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Program of the X Moscow Conference on International Security



According to the program of the International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2022" (TBD)


08.00-09.15  Departure and transfer to the Educational and Methodological Center of military-patriotic education of youth «Avangard» (“Patriot” Park)  

09.15-10.00   Сoffee break.

10.00-11.00   Opening of the Conference.

11:00-12:30   Plenary Session 1: Global security in an emerging multilateral world.

12:30-13:00   Break.

13:00-14:30   Plenary session 2: Regional aspects of global security: Asia-Pacific Region.

14.30-15.30   Lunch break

15.30-17.00   Plenary session 3: Regional aspects of global security: Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Section 1.

17.00-17.30   Break.

17.30-19.00   Plenary session 4: Regional aspects of global security: Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Section 2.

19.00-20.00   Return to the hotel.



Work according to the program of the International Military-Technical Forum «ARMY-2022» / Departure of the Conference participants.


Countries invited to participate in X Moscow Conference on International Security


In 2022 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation organizes
the X Moscow Conference on International Security.

In ten years, a platform for an open dialogue of defence agencies, international organizations and military experts has been established and is successfully functioning.

Every year, when developing the main topics of the Сonference, we focus on the need to discuss the most pressing issues of international relations, in the resolution of which an important role belongs to the defence agencies of different states.

The dominant topics of the previous Conferences were: European security, the transformation of the military situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East crisis, security challenges and threats in Latin America and on the African continent.

The discussions in Moscow have made a significant contribution to the development of international security policy, allowed the participants to get first-hand information on the views of the Russian Ministry of Defence and military agencies of other countries.

This year's Сonference program includes the most topical problems of global and regional security, the discussion of which will contribute to enhancing mutual understanding and transparency in military activities.

I would like to wish you fruitful work, interesting and constructive discussions. I am confident that this forum will allow the defence departments of the participating countries to bring their positions closer on key world problems as well as the proposals and initiatives developed at the Conference will strengthen international security and stability.

Welcome to Moscow!

General of the Army Sergey Shoygu
Minister of the Defense of the Russian Federation


Speeches of MCIS-2022 participants


Welcoming address of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

Speech by Russian Defence Minister  General of the Army Sergei Shoigu Video

Speech by State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant-General Alexander Volfovich


Speech by Secretary-General of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Zhang Ming


Plenary Session 1

Global security in an emerging multilateral world

Speech by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant-General Viktor Khrenin Video
Speech by Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense of the Syrian Arab Republic, Corps General Ali Mahmoud Abas Video

Speech by Secretary Defence – 1st Deputy of the Defence Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussan

Speech by chief of directorate of Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Vladimir Matveev Video
Speech by Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi Video
Videoaddress by Minister of Defence of the People’s Republic of China, Colonel-General Wei Fenghe Video

Videoaddress by Minister of Defence of the Republic of India Rajnath Singh

Videoaddress by President of the Union of War Veterans of the National Liberation Wars of Serbia Vidosav Kovačević Video
Videoaddress by Neurosurgeon of Medical School University of Belgrade Prof. Dr Danica Grujicic Video

Plenary Session 2

Regional aspects of global security: Asia-Pacific region  

Speech by 1st Deputy Chief of Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Major-General Evgeny Ilyin Video

Spoeech by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Army General Chansamone Chanyalath


Speech by Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Major General Tarique Ahmed Siddique

Speech by 1st Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff otf the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Viktor Poznikhir Video

Address by Minister of National Defence of Socialist Republic of Vietnam General of the Army Phan Van Giang

Address by Chairman of the State Administration Council of Myanmar, Commander-in-chief of Myanmar Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing Video
Address by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence of the Kingdom of Cambodia, General Tea Banh Video
Address by Minister of Defence of Malaysia Hishammuddin Hussain Video

Plenary Session 3

Regional aspects of global security: Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
Section 1

 Speech by moderator, President of the Middle East Institure Evgeny Satanovsky Video

Speech by Chief Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Armed Forces – Deputy Chief, General Staff of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, Admiral Igor Kostyukov


Speech by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Iraq Jumaah Enad Saadoon


Speech by Chief of Staff of the Algerian People’s National Army, Army General Saïd Chanegriha

Speech by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Sudan Yassin Ibrahim Video

Speech by Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs of the Republic of Mali, Colonel Sadio Camara


Speech by Minister in charge of National Defence and Former Combatants of the Democratic Republic of Congo Gilbert Kabanda Kurhenga

Speech by Deputy Minister of Defence, Director of Office of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Guinea, Colonel David Haba Video
Videoaddress by Minister of  Defence and War Veterans Affairs of The Republic of Zimbabwe Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri Video
Videoaddress by Deputy Director and Acting (Interim) Director of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) Lakhdar Idriss Mounir Lallali Video

Plenary Session 4

Regional aspects of global security: Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
Section 2

Speech by moderator, Chairman of the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Vasily Trushin

Speech by Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs of the Republic of Uganda Vincent Ssempijja Video
Speech by Minister of National Defense and Veteran Affairs of the Republic of Burundi Alain Tribert Mutabazi Video
Speech by Deputy Minister of National Defence of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Marta Luwigi Anteneh Video
Videoaddress by Minister of the People’s Power for Defence of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, General-in-Chief Vladimir Padrino López  Video
Videoaddress by Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Republic of Nicaragua, Army General Julio César Avilés Castillo Video
Speech by Leading expert in the field of the security in the Middle East Akmaral Batalova Video
Speech by Minister of  Defence and Military Veterans of the Republic of South Africa Thandi Ruth Modise Video
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