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Review of Moscow conferences on international security held in 2012-2023

2012: Factor of missile defence in forming of new space of security

Conference participants discussed actual issues of missile defence in all aspects: from assessing threats coming from spreading of missile technologies to defining directions of missile defence cooperation in order to maintain strategic stability and equal strategic partnership.  

2013: Military and political aspects of the European security

Conference participants exchanged their opinions about different aspects if the European security, including actual issues of missile defence, control over conventional arms in Europe, cooperation between Russia and NATO. They also assessed OSCE in providing security in Europe.

2014: Global security and regional stability

Conference was devoted to strengthening global security and searching for ways to stabilize the situation in the Middle East, North Africa and Afghanistan and Regional Security”. The attention was also paid to analysis of “colored revolutions”.

2015: Global security: challenges and threats

Participants discussed issues of providing global and regional security, including by activation of international military cooperation in fighting against terrorism. They also discussed current and prospective situation in Afghanistan as well as activity of the ISIS terrorist grouping, possible projects of international military cooperation aimed at fighting against terrorism. The special attention was paid to “terrorism export” from Middle East into countries of Western Europe and Central Asia. Delegates assessed role of military and political instruments such as international agreements in providing global and regional stability. 

2016: Terrorism as a major threat to global security

International terrorism was the focal point of the V Moscow Conference on International Security. Its participants expressed concerns over the increased spreading of terrorism from the flash points in the Near East and Afghanistan to other regions. Special attention was given to security in the Asia-Pacific Region, Near East, Central Asia, as well as to the issues of international military cooperation between defence agencies. “Colour” revolutions phenomenon was among the main topics of the discussions.

2017: Global security: challenges of the XXI centure

Forum participants discussed the most acute challenges and threats facing international security in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and the Asia Pacific. Negative implications from the US global BMD deployment as well as the opportunities for international regulation in this sphere were placed in the spotlight of the discussion agenda. This was the first time that we addressed various aspects of information space security.

2018: Defeat of ISIL in Syria: outcomes and prospects for peace in the region

The Forum delegates openly and with interest discussed the most acute and topical international issues that were included in the Conference agenda: global security in polycentric world, prospects for peacve in the Middle East after defeat of ISIL in Syria, regional aspects of security in  Europe and Asia, the activities of defence agencies to respond to regional threats and challenges. A separate discussion was devoted to “soft power” as a tool to pursue military-political objectives.

2019: Security in modern world: regional and global factors and trends

The Conference agenda focused on global and regional security issues, problems of Middle East stabilization, restoration of Syria and Iraq, “colour revolutions” and “hybrid” wars, missile defence, terrorism and illegal migration in Northern Africa, as well as regional security aspects in Asia, Africs and Latin America. During the forum,s new discussion format – “round tables” – the conference participants talked on new approaches in peacekeeping and international military cooperation.

2021: COVID-19 pandemic's most serious international security challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the framework of international relations and exacerbated a number of previous contradictions. We are seeing the emergence of a new global order and forms of communication in the security sphere. The Forum's programme includes the most topical issues of today's global and regional security agenda, in which defence ministries play a crucial role.

2022:  Global security in an emerging multilateral world

The 2022 conference was held in a dramatically changing international environment.

The event included thorough evaluations of the present situation of international and local security in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

The anniversary forum of the Russian Ministry of Defence was attended by heads of defence ministries, Russian and foreign experts — more than 700 delegates from 70 countries and six international organisations.

2023: Realities of Global Security in a Multipolar World

Presentations of the participants in the XI Moscow Conference on International Security (15 August 2023) focused on the realities of global security in a multipolar world, military aspects of security in the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and defence co-operation.

The tone of the discussions was set by the welcoming addresses of the Presidents of Russia and Belarus to the delegates of the forum.

The event was attended by 26 defence ministers, 16 deputy defence ministers and chiefs of general staff. In all, more than 800 delegates from 76 countries and six international organisations attended the conference.

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