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Home  < MCIS  < MCIS-2023

The Ministry of Defenсe of the Russian Federation is holding the XI Moscow Conference on International Security in 2023.

Since its foundation in 2012, the conference has become a pivotal platform for open discussion of the most pressing global and regional security issues.

In 2023, the conference is held in conditions of fundamental changes in the military and political situation in the world, establishment and consolidation of a real multipolar world order.

At the upcoming forum, heads and representatives of defence agencies, international organizations, and the expert and political science communities will have the opportunity to exchange views on strengthening constructive cooperation in the new realities.

The conference will discuss problems of global and regional stability, as well as various aspects of security in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe.

We will be glad to see you in Moscow.

Minister of the Defence of the Russian Federation
General of the Army Sergey Shoigu

Materials of 2023 Moscow Conference on International Security

Program of the XI Moscow Conference on International Security


15 AUGUST 2023

10.00-11.50         Opening of the Conference “Realities of Global Security in a Multipolar World”

11.50-12.20         Coffee break

12.20-14.00         Plenary Session 1 “Security in the Middle East and the African Continent: military aspects”

14.00-15.20         Lunch

15.20-16.50         Plenary Session 2 “Security in the Asia-Pacific Region”

16.50-17.20         Coffee break

17.20-19.00         Plenary Session 3 “Interaction of defence agencies: conditions and expectations”

16.00-18.00         Moscow Conference on International Security Expert discussion club “One World – Common Security” (“Patriot” Park)

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