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Home  < International Mine Action Center  < International Mine Action Center

The current global geopolitical situation, the desire of certain states and terroristic groups to expand their spheres of influence results in increase of tension and in local conflicts all over the world, including areas close to the Russian borders. Such conflicts cannot be considered classic warfare because their parties and front-lines cannot be clearly defined. One of the main types of combat during such conflicts is the predominant use of artillery, aviation and sabotage units. The result is that after the settlement of the conflict battle phase a large amount of dud munition and other explosives (mines, demolition bombs, improvised explosive devices) remain sometimes on the whole territory of certain countries. The transition to peaceful life, recovery of the infrastructure and the economy need the immediate professional help of modernly technically equipped humanitarian demining specialists.

As the respond to such threats, according to the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence  order №D-39 dated June 4, 2014, the Russian Armed Forces  Anti-Mine Center located in Nakhabino (Moscow region) was established on the 1st of August 2014.

The center has a military barrack for contract servicemen, modernly equipped training building, training grounds, a firing range, automobile and specialized vehicles depot. It is also planned to build a comfortable boarding house for attendees, a leisure and culture center, a canteen and a sport complex.

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