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13.10.2015 (14:50)

During 24 hours, aircraft of the Russian aviation group in the Syrian Arab Republic have increased the intensiveness of engagement of command centres, materiel concentration and storage areas of the ISIS terrorists

In the course of the last 24 hours, aircraft of the Russian aviation group in the Syrian Arab Republic have increased the intensiveness of engagement of command centres, materiel concentration and storage areas of the ISIS terrorist organization.

As a result of the strikes, the ISIS units have lost most of their ammunition, heavy military hardware and materials. 

Now the terrorists have activated all the logistics net in order to transport ammunition and fuel from the Raqqah province.

Now these are not caravans but maneuvering groups consisting of off-road vehicles, which transport cargoes for terrorists mainly at night.

The received data confirms that such mobile groups are moving to the east and north-east after leaving the front line.

UAVs are registering routes of the terrorists and detecting transfer and strong points located in plain and mountainous areas. The aviation is delivering strikes against such targets.

 In the course of the last 24 hours, Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25SM aircraft performed 88 combat sorties engaging 86 ISIS facilities located in the Raqqah, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo provinces.

Command centres, field HQs, ammunition and armament storages, military hardware concentration areas, plants manufacturing explosives, field camps and terrorist bases were engaged.

Su-24M bombers carried out a pinpoint strike against an ISIS field HQ near Anadan (Aleppo province). The HQ coordinated actions of terrorist groups in the province. There was an ammunition storage either.

The high-accuracy strike with KAB-500 guided air bomb eliminated the militants’ field HQ. Detonation of munitions caused destruction of four automobile vehicles of the terrorists.

An ammunition storage located in a bunker was eliminated near al-Latamna, Hama province. The pinpoint strike of a Su-34 bomber resulted in total destruction of this underground facility.

A field HQ and an ammunition depot were destroyed in the Al-Bab suburbs, Aleppo province. The objective monitoring data registered detonation of artillery munitions, which had been kept in the depot.

A Su-25 attack aircraft carried out a strike against a column with fuel and ammunition in Aleppo province. A petrol tank vehicle, as well as three lorries with munitions escorted by two vehicles equipped with large-caliber machine guns were destroyed.  

According to the interception of radio talks of field commanders in the Hama and Homs provinces, militants are suffering a severe lack of ammunition for small arms and grenade launchers. In certain field talks there are requests to the leadership, which say that if the supplies are not replenished, they will withdraw their gangs from the combat zone.

After task performance, all the Russian military aircraft returned to the Hmeymim airbase. 

Pinpoint strike on a militants’ strong point located in the mountain area of the Al-Ghab plain.

Airstrike on a depot with ammunition and armament in area near Jubb al Ahmar settlement (Hamah province)

Airstrike on ammunition depot in mountain-woody area near SALMA (LATAKIA)

Department for Media Affairs and Information
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