21.12.2020 (16:30)
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Vladimir Putin takes part in expanded meeting of Defence Ministry Board Session
Today, an expanded meeting of Defence Ministry Board Session took place at the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation, during which the results of the activities of the Armed Forces in 2020 were summed up and tasks for the next period were determined.
The President of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin, addressed the members of the Session.
“Today, at an expanded meeting of the Defence Ministry Board Session, we traditionally have to analyze the results of the work of the Ministry of Defenсe in 2020, to determine priorities for the further development of the Armed Forces”, - he said opening the meeting.
The President noted that the outgoing year was difficult for everyone. As you know, the world is faced with an epidemic of coronavirus infection. It would seem that the time itself demands from the leaders of states, from the entire world community, utmost responsibility and joint efforts. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. We have seen how new and long-standing regional conflicts flared up, and actions were taken to undermine global stability.
“And I want to stress right away that in this difficult, largely unprecedented situation, all the assigned tasks were carried out by the Ministry of Defenсe, units and subdivisions of the Army and Navy professionally and effectively. I am talking now about carrying out combat duty, about military training, about organizing conscription and, of course, this is the main, key task, about rearmament of troops”, - Vladimir Putin said.
The full text of the speech of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is posted on the website of the President of Russia: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/64684http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/64684
Russian Defenсe Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu made a report at the Board Session.
In 2020, the geography of challenges for our country expanded, the role of military force in solving international problems increased.
NATO sees Russia as the main threat and is building up its military potential at our borders.
The United States began relocating combat units from Germany to Poland and the Baltic States.
By 15%, compared to the last year, the intensity of reconnaissance and demonstrative actions of American aircraft and ships near the Russian borders increased.
The advanced presence of American ships in the Arctic region is being increased.
NATO exercises, conducted simultaneously at the western, southern and eastern borders of Russia, have become systemic.
In August-September alone, 55 combat aircraft took part in them, including strategic bombers and 12 high-precision weapons carriers.
We have closely monitored these exercises and taken mirror measures.
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Our nuclear triad is maintained at a level that warrants strategic deterrence. 95% of the Strategic Missile Forces launchers are in constant readiness.
Long-range aviation successfully solves the tasks of air patrol. This year, 50 flights of strategic missile carriers have been carried out along the established routes.
Nuclear-powered missile submarines carry out scheduled combat service in designated areas of the world's oceans.
The high combat readiness of the strategic nuclear forces is ensured by the unprecedented level of modernity, brought to 86%.
Three missile regiments of Strategic Missile Forces have been re-equipped with modern Yars missile systems.
Rearmament of the 1st missile regiment with Avangard complex with hypersonic gliding systems continues.
Five modernized missile carriers have entered strategic aviation nuclear forces.
The lead nuclear-powered submarine of the Borei-A project, Knyaz Vladimir, armed with Bulava ballistic missiles with a modern complex of means of overcoming antimissile defence, entered the Russian Navy.
A modern infrastructure has been created for the Yars and Avangard missile systems. This year, more than 950 buildings and structures were built in the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces.
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The Land Forces received more than three and a half thousand new and modernized weapons, including 220 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, over one and a half thousand units of wheeled vehicles.
A new motorized rifle division, missile and artillery brigades have been formed.
The Aerospace Forces have formed 13 military units, including a military transport aviation regiment and an anti-aircraft missile regiment.
147 aircraft were supplied, more than 150 samples of air defence equipment, including 4 S-400 anti-aircraft missile complexes and 24 Pantsir-S combat vehicles.
In order to develop the airfield network of the Armed Forces, runways at 14 airfields were reconstructed, more than 270 buildings and structures were built.
The Aerospace Forces began to receive the first modern complexes with reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles of medium-range "Inokhodec" and "Forpost".
We have increased the combat capabilities of the Unified Space System.
In May this year, the fourth Kupol spacecraft was launched. Thus, the second stage of deployment of the USS orbital constellation has been completed.
The launch complex for the Soyuz-2 missiles and the assembly and test complex for heavy launch vehicles were reconstructed.
The test launch of the Angara-A5 missile with a mass and size model of the spacecraft was successfully completed.
The Navy received two modern submarines, 7 surface ships and 10 combat boats, 10 ships and support boats.
According to the number of coastal missile systems Bal and Bastion this year reached the figure of 74% of the need.
The Navy has created a motorized rifle division and a coastal missile brigade.
The headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet with a deep modernization of control system were reconstructed.
In Makhachkala, facilities of the military infrastructure of the Caspian Flotilla, including the mooring front, were commissioned.
In Kaspiysk completed the filling of the Northern and Southern breakwaters with a length of about 3 km.
Thus, the task of rearmament, set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in the May 2012 Decree, has been completed.
70.1% share of modernity in the Armed Forces.
In order to further increase it, the Ministry of Defence is working to improve the methods of pricing.
This made it possible to exclude an unreasonable increase in the cost of government contracts in 2018-2020, to keep 551 billion rubles and to use these funds to re-equip troops.
The use of advanced financing allows to solve the problem of a shortage of funds for the construction of ships in the far sea zone and to reduce the delivery time of modern aircraft.
Currently, 16 surface ships of the far sea zone are under construction and 19 are under modernization for another 6 state contracts will be signed next year.
In total, taking into account the current state contracts, the total number of built and modernized warships of the far sea zone will be 41 units.
For aviation equipment, early deliveries of 94 aircraft and helicopters by the end of 2024 are envisaged. Among them, there are 22 Su-57 aircraft, the number of which will be increased to 76 by 2028.
The planned indicators of purchases of modern samples due to the measures taken will allow bringing the level of modernity of the Army and Navy to 75.9% by the end of 2024.
In the future, it is envisaged to reach the conclusion of long-term contracts for all major types of weapons.
Due to them, defence industry enterprises will be able to confidently plan their work for seven years ahead, purchase the necessary materials and effectively conduct economic activities.
At the beginning of next year, we will conclude long-term contracts for the additional purchase of high-precision long-range missiles, thereby doubling their number.
We will report on this in detail at the meetings under your leadership in Sochi.
Finishing the topic of rearmament, I would like to emphasize that our Armed Forces are among the most advanced and most technologically advanced armies in the world.
In terms of modernity, we are higher than similar indicators of the armed forces of many states. At the same time, in terms of defence spending this year, Russia has moved from eighth to ninth place.
The rearmament of the Army and Navy was carried out under conditions of restrictive measures. At the same time, there was a threat of non-fulfilment of the state defence order by defence industry enterprises. During the pandemic, 2 million 300 thousand specialists were in self-isolation. Most businesses have stopped working.
And only the intervention of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief made it possible to restore production processes and prevent a decrease in the volume of defence production.
The financial monitoring system created in the Ministry of Defence made it possible to monitor the progress of the state defence budget execution by defence industry enterprises under restrictive measures.
Timely adjustment of strict self-isolation measures allowed not only to maintain the pace of implementation of the State Budget, but also to fulfil social obligations to labour collectives and the budget system.
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As part of the assistance to the population, specialists of the military construction complex have built 30 multifunctional medical centres with a total area of more than two hundred thousand square meters in 23 regions of the country in 9 months. They are equipped with the most modern equipment.
Thanks to the measures taken, the incidence rate of coronavirus in the Armed Forces per 100 thousand people is 37% lower than in the country.
To do this, since April, the number of PCR laboratories has been increased two and a half times and the number of tests per day has been increased seven times. This closed the need for testing of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces.
The time to receive test results has been reduced from two days in April to four hours in June.
More than eight thousand beds have been deployed in military hospitals for inpatient treatment, half of which are used in the interests of the population. Since the beginning of the pandemic, medical care has been provided to more than 13 thousand civilian patients.
In addition, about five thousand veterans, as well as large families of military personnel and those who lost their breadwinner, received social support measures.
For the purpose of early diagnosis of coronavirus, the number of tomographs has been increased by 8 times, which allows conducting studies on the day of treatment without failures and queues.
Currently, the Armed Forces are actively conducting mass vaccination.
A strict quarantine has been introduced in military educational institutions. Educational organizations work in a planned mode using an electronic learning environment. Thanks to this, the training was not interrupted.
During a pandemic, it has shown to be effective telemedicine. The number of remote consultations has increased fivefold.
The sanitary aviation of the Ministry of Defence made 191 flights, 630 patients were evacuated in serious and extremely serious condition.
48th central research institute of the Russian NBCP troops took part in the development of the Sputnik V vaccine. On the basis of medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence, it was tested.
I would like to note that this institute is the only research organization in Russia certified by the OPCW. At the same time, its experimental base has not been updated since 1992.
We are grateful for your support, Mr President, for the proposals to create a modern laboratory and experimental complex in the 48th Central Research Institute.
This will allow us to participate in international investigations in the areas of the institute's activities, as well as to create promising vaccines and medicines.
Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is working on the issue of allocating additional budget allocations for these purposes.
In the Armed Forces, as well as in the whole country, there is a high level of cancer.
In 2021, in the interests of military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies, it is proposed to begin construction of a Single Cancer centre on the basis of the Burdenko hospital and a multidisciplinary centre in Sevastopol. We have about 150 thousand security officers and their families in this city, and there is no decent medical institution.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
I ask you to support the joint initiative of law enforcement agencies to create these facilities.
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The Armed Forces in the context of the pandemic fully maintained high combat capability and completed all planned activities.
A significant contribution to the training of personnel was made by surprise checks of the combat readiness of the troops, conducted continuously for seven years.
This year there were two of them, but more extensive than before. As a result, all military districts, the Northern Fleet, arm and services of troops of the Armed Forces were checked.
In total, over 18,500 exercises and trainings of various levels were held in the Armed Forces during the year. The intensity of joint exercises has increased by 5% and two-way exercises by 6%.
The high interest of foreign countries remained in the International Army Games. This year, they were held on the territory of five states.
In total, more than 3,300 military personnel from 32 countries took part. More than 1 million 200 thousand people attended the competitions of the Army Games.
The main event of the combat training was Kavkaz 2020 maneuvers. It showed a high level of training of military command and control bodies at the strategic and operational levels, the ability of groups of troops to reliably ensure the military security of Russia on the south-western borders.
The Russian Navy conducted Ocean Shield joint exercise.
The created group has demonstrated the ability to effectively carry out tasks to protect our national interests in the waters of three oceans and 9 seas, including the Northern Sea Route.
Ships and vessels of the Navy carried out 140 voyages to all strategically important areas of the World Ocean, carried out 122 visits and business calls to the ports of 28 foreign countries.
The international exercises Slavic Brotherhood, Bridge of Friendship, Selenga and Friendship were successfully held. Within the framework of the CSTO, they took part in a special exercise on CSS Echelon and in the command post exercise with the Peacekeeping Forces Unbreakable Brotherhood.
We continue to form a professional army. After graduating from universities, 13 thousand graduate officers were sent to the troops.
The level of staffing of officer positions is more than 96%.
The number of contractors in all arms and services of the Armed Forces is growing. In terms of numbers, they are almost 2 times higher than conscripts.
The planned supply of new weapons and military equipment determines the need for contract workers in a number of specialties.
Already today, the deficit in them is 6% of the estimated required number.
By the end of 2022, it can grow to 14%, in the absence of proper funding.
This issue is being worked out by the Government of the Russian Federation.
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Recruitment of cadets to military institutions due to the pandemic was carried out by special visiting groups in their regions of residence.
Students at the academy were selected using video conferencing on-the-job and combat duty.
In total, more than 12 thousand cadets and more than one thousand students were enrolled.
So, this year the branch of the Nakhimov Naval School in Kaliningrad welcomed its first students.
Thus, we have completed the creation of a network of Nakhimov schools in all Fleets.
Suvorov students of the Tver and North Caucasus schools started classes on new funds, fully equipped with the most modern and technological educational and material base.
The military-scientific potential of the armed forces is increased by the military personnel of 17 scientific companies. They obtained 14 patents for inventions, developed 84 innovation proposals and 44 applied mathematical models.
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Together with the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we continued to address the social problems of servicemen and their families.
The issues of employment of wives and providing children with places in kindergartens have been resolved. During the year, more than two thousand children were admitted to preschool institutions.
In the current year, the monetary allowance is indexed by 3%.
Since July, a monetary allowance has been introduced for certain categories of military personnel. It affected more than 45 thousand people, who on average received a monthly increase of 23 thousand rubles.
At the same time, within five years, due to the lack of indexation, there was a shortage of funds for the payment of monetary allowances, which requires an annual redistribution of finances from other types of expenses.
In order to prevent the reduction of payments to military personnel, it is proposed to consider the possibility of increasing the cash allowance fund in 2021.
During the year, the pace of providing housing for military personnel was maintained at a high level. In total, more than 111 thousand servicemen are provided with housing.
At the same time, the planned mode of providing permanent housing was preserved. It was received by more than 6 thousand people.
More than 11 thousand military personnel under the accumulative and pension system realized their rights to housing in 2020.
Every year, the number of military personnel provided with official living quarters increases by 10-11%. This year, 35 thousand people received them.
Compensation for housing rent was paid to more than 59 thousand military personnel.
In June 2019, Vladimir Vladimirovich, you supported our proposal to increase the amount of monetary compensation for renting housing to contract soldiers and sergeants, which significantly increased the inflow to contract service.
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The Ministry of Defence continues the systematic development of military and social infrastructure in the Arctic zone.
Over the past two years, more than 360 buildings and structures with a total area of more than 413 thousand square meters have been put into operation.
On the island of Alexandra Land, the construction of a military base was completely completed. This is the only object in the world at 80 degrees north latitude. It has a total of 334 buildings and structures.
The runway at the Nagurskaya airfield has been increased to three and a half kilometres. Facilities of the second stage of the military camp in Tiksi for 300 servicemen were put into operation.
Measures to eliminate environmental damage to the Arctic have been continued. During the year, 2,830 tons of scrap metal were collected.
Completed works on cleaning the territory of Cape Marre-Sale, Kildin Island and the Shantar Islands park. In total, since the beginning of these works, 26 thousand tons of scrap metal have been collected, more than 20 thousand tons have been exported.
The Ministry of Defenсe and the Russian Geographical Society conducted 12 joint expeditions. In the course of the largest of them - Arctic Archipelagos - the ecology of the region and the seabed of the Arctic Ocean were studied.
Together with the companies Gazpromneft and Rosneft, the construction of six refuelling complexes at military airfields continues. In total, since the beginning of the implementation of investment projects, 14 have been built.
Together with NOVATEK, the boiler houses are being converted to liquefied gas. By 2025, there will be more than one thousand of them, which will reduce the cost of boiler fuel consumption by 15%.
CSS units have built and operated 819 km of field main pipeline to supply water to Simferopol and the central part of the Crimean peninsula. More than six million cubic meters of water have already been supplied. More than six million cubic meters of water have already been supplied.
This year, the construction of a water conduit and hydraulic structures for Sevastopol was completed, allowing a daily supply of 15 thousand cubic meters of water.
From March 1, 2021, the volume of daily water supply will increase by 50 thousand cubic meters due to the completion of the construction of the water intake and engineering infrastructure.
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Since November 10, in accordance with the trilateral agreements, the Russian military contingent has successfully conducted a peacekeeping operation in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.
In the shortest possible time, the group of Russian troops deployed in the designated areas and began to perform tasks at 23 observation posts.
To date, no serious incidents have been reported.
The safe movement of civilian vehicles along the Lachin corridor is open and maintained.
Under the leadership of Russian peacekeepers, prisoners of war were exchanged between the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides on the principle of "all for all".
The exchange of bodies of the dead is also organized.
Civilians return to their areas of residence in complete safety and rebuild their homes. They are assisted by military personnel of the Center for Peacekeeping Management.
Since November 14, Russian peacekeepers have ensured the return of more than 42 thousand refugees.
Mine clearance of the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is being carried out. In total, more than 6 thousand explosive objects were neutralized. More than 6 thousand explosive objects were defused.
Two modern block-modular town for 330 people has been built in Stepanakert to accommodate Russian peacekeepers.
Until April 1 next year, we will deploy 32 towns. As a result, comfortable conditions of service and life will be created for the peacekeeping contingent.
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The Russian force grouping continues to act as a guarantor of maintaining peace in Syria.
Together with the Turkish military, patrols are carried out along road routes in the north-east of Syria, as well as close cooperation in the Idlib de-escalation zone.
With the assistance of the Russian military contingent, the movement of civilian vehicles along the M-4 highway in northern Syria was organized. Since may 25, the Russian military police have escorted about 35 thousand cars and more than 66 thousand people.
Military personnel of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides conducted more than 2,000 humanitarian actions.
More than 650 humanitarian convoys have been sent through the UN.
Military medics provided assistance to over one hundred and thirty thousand civilians.
Thanks to the effective work of the joint coordination headquarters of Russia and Syria, more than two million Syrian citizens have returned to their pre-war places of residence.
An international conference on the return of refugees was held in Damascus with the active participation of the Ministry of Defence. It has contributed to the intensification of the process of returning refugees and providing them with humanitarian assistance. The range of countries willing to help the Syrian government has expanded.
The military and social infrastructure at our bases in Syria is being improved.
At the airport Hmeymim for all combat aircraft built shelter. This year, 9 more such structures for helicopters were built.
At the Naval CSS point in Tartous, the barracks and housing stock and material and technical base were reconstructed and modernized.
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International military cooperation this year covered 96 countries.
In the field of military-technical cooperation, China, India, Egypt, Algeria, Vietnam, Turkey and Myanmar remained our priority partners.
We continued to strengthen our allied relations with the CSTO, CIS and SCO countries.
We have fulfilled all your instructions to assist the population of six foreign countries in the fight against the pandemic.
This year, the first-ever Joint Meeting of the Defence Ministers of the SCO, CIS and CSTO states was held under the Russian chairmanship.
This is a new authoritative negotiating platform for discussing and solving urgent problems of national security.
The annual holding of the ARMY International Military and Technical Forum strengthens international military-technical cooperation.
Its guests and participants were delegations from 92 foreign countries, and the number of visitors exceeded 1 million 400 thousand people.
On the sidelines of the Forum, the members of the military-technical cooperation signed export contracts for the supply of military products to foreign customers in the amount of more than $ 380 million and signed a number of international agreements.
In addition, 41 state contracts were signed with 27 defence industry enterprises in the amount of more than one trillion 160 billion rubles.
The commanders, together with the military-political bodies, maintained a high level of moral, psychological and moral-political condition of the troops and their readiness to perform combat tasks in any situation.
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In the year of the 75th anniversary of the victory, the Ministry of Defence implemented major patriotic and cultural projects.
Military parades were held in 28 cities.
Traditionally, this year the Main Naval Parade was held.
The event of the year was the opening and consecration of the Main Cathedral of the Armed Forces and the Memory Road museum complex. It contains data on 34 million participants of the Great Patriotic War.
The unique complex has already become a center of spiritual attraction for military personnel and citizens of the country. Even under the restrictions, it was visited by more than one million people.
We honour the historical memory of the heroes of the great victory and protect it. I would like to note that federal law has been adopted on our initiative, which provides for criminal liability for desecrating military graves and monuments to defenders of the Motherland.
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The largest movement Yunarmiya is successfully developing, which covers all regions of the Russian Federation and unites more than 740 thousand teenagers.
Together with the leadership of Moscow and the Moscow region, a year-round Educational and methodological center for military-patriotic education of young people Avangard was created.
This year, 23 more such regional centers have started working. Until 2023, they will be created in all regions of the country.
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Supreme Commander-in-Chief!
Armed Forces completed all tasks defined for 2019. Their combat capabilities increased by 13%. The specified level of maintaining the country's defence capability is provided.
The development of the Defence Plan of the Russian Federation for 2021-2025 has been completed. It is approved by you.
The implementation of all the contracts concluded ensured the supply of more than 250 thousand units of weapons and ammunition to them.
The level of fulfilment of tasks of the State Budget was: for purchases - 99.8%, for repairs and modernization - 99.7%.
The rearmament of the army and navy, as well as the planned repair of military equipment, made it possible to increase the level of serviceability in the Armed Forces to 95%.
3,200 buildings and structures were put into operation. At the same time, the military construction complex implemented large-scale infrastructure projects for four to seven months.
In 2020, the total amount of capital investments transferred to users amounted to more than 275 billion rubles, which is almost twice as much as last year - thereby significantly reducing the volume of construction in progress.
The identified issues and solutions are taken into account in the Ministry of Defence plan for 2019-2025.
In 2020, the Ministry of Defence will have to solve a number of priority tasks.
Put on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces 13 launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles Yars and Avangard. At the expense of additional funding allocated for the production of these complexes, to reach the level of modernity of the strategic nuclear forces of 88.3%.
Complete the construction of infrastructure for the Yars and Avangard complexes in Kozelsk, Yasny, Uzhur, Novosibirsk and Yoshkar-Ola.
Build a test site near Severo-Yenisei for flight tests of the Sarmat missile system.
Start state tests of the upgraded Tu-160 aircraft.
To accept to the fleet two nuclear-powered submarines of the Borey-A project Knyaz Oleg and Generalissimus Suvorov, equipped with ballistic missiles Bulava.
General Purpose Forces
Deliver more than five hundred modern armoured combat vehicles to the Land Forces, Airborne Troops and Coastal Forces of the Navy. Form an anti-aircraft missile brigade in the Southern Military District.
Deliver more than a hundred new and modernized aircraft to the Aerospace Forces and naval aviation.
Complete the construction of a high-readiness radar station in Vorkuta and put it on experimental combat duty.
Start work on the construction of the Yakhroma radar station in Sevastopol and separate nodes for over-the-horizon detection of air targets in Kaliningrad and Zee.
Take into the Navy four submarines, six surface ships, 22 boats and support vessels.
Prepare and conduct a joint strategic exercise Zapad 2021 with the Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus.
To hold ARMY 2021 International Military and Technical Forum.
Open OMSK cadet military corps on new funds.
Put into operation three thousand buildings and structures simultaneously with the supply of new weapons and equipment, based on the budget allocations for the relevant purposes.
Supreme Commander-in-Chief!
In accordance with your instructions, next year we will continue our progressive development of the Armed Forces and improving their quality